Sunday, December 9, 2012

I spoke with a person who works at Pier 30. He said his company received a letter from the Golden State Warriors about new construction on Pier 30 - 32. He added that some of his construction worker customers said they were building the foundation for the domed arena. Note the environmental impact study has barely begun.

I was under the mistaken impression that this controversial basketball stadium was going to be put to a vote by the people of San Francisco, as were the Giant's and failed football stadiums. Mayor Lee is evidently ramming this project down our throats; not very democratic of him is it.

As one who lives in close proximity to the planned stadium, I am opposed to this project for a number of reasons. Firstly, I am concerned about the the type of people who attend these games and concerts. Do we really want to host Gangster Rappers and their followers?

There will also be the oppressive noise of pilings pounded for many months or even years and the constant traffic problems that will arise from the very long basketball season. It will also mar the beautiful views that attract lots of tourists, who will no longer feel safe in this area.

I would welcome ideas on how to prevent this disaster in the making.

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